If you click over to the Merch page, you will find the first track from the Days From Evil album, “Forced Entry” is available for download.
For Free. Gratis. Kostenlos.
Of course, don’t let that stop you from giving us money, whether by using the donate buttons inconveniently located at the bottom of the page (consider it a virtual tip jar, if you will) or by simply e-mailing us your credit card number and pin, or your coworkers credit card number and pin for that matter.
A better idea is to visit this page to discover the myriad of other ways you can support independent bands like Jagged Spiral. You shouldn’t be surprised to discover that a lot of them don’t cost you anything at all.
One of the ways you can help us out is by spreading the word. Tell people to download the latest track and give it a listen. If it doesn’t click with you, no worries, we won’t be offended, but come back next week for the next track; Days From Evil is pretty diverse, and you might be pleasantly surprised.
For the next nine weeks, we will be posting all nine tracks from Days From Evil. It’s a concept album, so I suggest you listen to the songs in order to get the full effect…
really loud…
with headphones…
in the dark…
completely naked.
Yours Darkly,