Vote for Jagged Spiral in City Pages!

Click on the graphic to go to the City Pages “Best of the Twin Cities – 2009” Poll! Here’s your chance to vote for all your most loved and hated things in the twin cities.

Make sure to enter “Jagged Spiral” for number 85 – Best Rock Band!

Votes must be received by March 30, 2009 and results will be revealed in City Pages’ “Best of the Twin Cities 2009.”


Update on Alpine’s Rock the Dash Contest

Instead of getting ready to release the list of winners from Alpine’s Rock the Dash contest, they sent out an e-mail saying the contest has been suspended due to voting system tampering, and all votes will be reset to nil. Voting will start over on April 1, 2008 and continue until 30 April.

This was not unexpected.

I certainly wasn’t going to tell you, but I know some of you must have figured out how to ‘cheat’ the system, and vote more than once per day. It’s as simple as clearing your browser cache (more specifically, your cookies) and you could vote as many times as you liked. It became obvious when bands were shooting to the top of the list in no time at all.

My hope was that *those* votes would simply be removed from the contest once Alpine figured out WTF, and Jagged Spiral would rocket to the top (becuse of the honesty and integrety of our fans). Unfortunately, Alpine decided to implement a “more secure” online voting system, and start over.

So we’re going to need your help again.

Yes, the interface blows. Yes, it sucks to scroll down to the “J”s to get to Jagged Spiral. No, you can’t go to the “Albums” list, because there isn’t one! I’m starting to think Colin is better off using the portable CD player in his car.

But, thanks to all your help, both Jagged Spiral songs “Let It Out” and “Not Enough Bullets” crawled up the charts, past hundreds of other songs, to end up in 60th and 61st place after three weeks!

Please visit every day that you can (from every computer you can) throughout the month of April, and help push Jagged Spiral to the top 10! If Jagged Spiral wins one of the prizes, we promise to sell it on craigslist, and use the $$$ to buy Colin a nice car stereo system!

Thanks for your support, and keep voting!

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Vote For Jagged Spiral at

A Vote for Jagged Spiral is a vote for an Alpine Stereo System for Colin’s Truck! Honestly, the man has a portable CD player connected via a cassette-tape-adapter-thingy! What’s that? You haven’t heard of cassette tape? Let’s just say, he could use a new EX-10 car music system from Alpine.

Fortunately, Alpine has agreed to give Colin a brand-spanking-new EX-10! FOR FREE! Well, not exactly free, he just needs you to click on this link:

The link will take you to Alpine’s website showcasing their new gear, then cast your vote for either of your favorite Jagged Spiral songs: “Let It Out” or “Not Enough Bullets”. Hey, vote for both! Come back and vote every day until the end of May! If Jagged Spiral is in the top 5, BAM! Colin has a new car stereo, and our weekly trips to Chipole can be uninterrupted by CD disk changes!

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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