Days From Evil Free Music Download – Track 4 – Run

“Run” is the fourth song from the “Days From Evil” album. You can go to our merch page to download it for free, along with the first three songs.

Believe it or not this song was finished on 26 Jan 2006, almost 2 years ago. For a long time it was called “Plung” which was the name of a sound effect loop that the song was based around. The sound effect was later removed, and the song was then titled “Creature Finds the Window”. Later verse writing led to the chant “Run!” which became an obvious name for the song.

At one point we had agreed that when we played together live, Run was our most ‘accurate’ sounding song, meaning when we played it live it sounded the most like it did on the record. We weren’t particularly proud or embarrassed about this fact.

Check out Run and the other songs, and let us know what you think. Then check back each week until the end of the year, and we will have plenty more audio for you.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil Free Music Download – Track 3 – Hallowed Ground

The next piece to the Days From Evil puzzle is now available on the music page. “Hallowed Ground” is a significant mood swing away from the last track, “Monsters”.

If you want the lyrics for Hallowed Ground, or if you want to know more about the making of any tracks on Days From Evil, go check out the Days From Evil album page.

If you have kept up with the free music downloads we have made available so far, we would love to hear your comments, criticisms or any feedback you have about the album. Shoot me an e-mail at conrad at jaggedspiral dot com.

The next track we will release is called “Run” and will be available on 21 Nov 2007 (Thanksgiving Eve).

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Sushi

On Saturday, the Spiral paid respects to the man who mastered Days From Evil, Reid Rejsa. He put the final coat of polish on the album for us. In return, we treated him to dinner at Sushi Tango in Uptown.

Our server, Janelle, was the most informative sushi waitress one could ask for. Short of busting out a PowerPoint presentation on Sushi, she was able to help us wade through the menu, so to speak, and make some informative and tasty decisions.

I like sushi, but don’t eat it often enough to know more than the difference between the dragon roll and a caterpillar roll. We ordered a smattering of everything, including a small whitefish, head and all, stuffed with rice and..well, himself. Once Vlad was et (we called him Vlad because he had a skewer though him, so obviously he was Vlad The Impaled) anyway, once he was emptied, the remains were taken by Janelle back to the chef, to be tossed into the deep fryer and then we had Vlad Round 2 (or Vlad The Deep-Fried). The eyes were said to be good luck, and Reid was given first pick, and he bravely chose the right eye, which he said had the consistency of a gummi-bear. Colin and Xtina had a Rock-Paper-Scissors contest for the other eye. Colin won…er, lost; depending on how you look at it. Either way, Colin ate the other eye.

All in all a great time, and it was good to sit back and celebrate two years of work we’ve put into Days From Evil by putting an evening’s worth of wine and sushi in our bellies.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil Free Music Download – Track 2 – Monsters

The song Monsters has now been uploaded for your listening pleasure. It is the second song from the Days From Evil album. Click over to the music page to pick it up, the song is completely free to download.

Last week, we debuted the first song off Days From Evil, Forced Entry. The next song Hallowed Ground will be available next week. Check the side of this page for the countdown timer to the release date. At you can find all the countdown timers for all the Days From Evil songs. Its easy to copy the code and add them to your own websites/blogs/myspace/facebook pages…

And there’s more goodies to come. Keep checking back as we release a new track from Days From Evil every Wednesday at midnight for the remaining weeks of 2007. There will also be some desktop wallpapers, videos, more pix of the band, and plenty of free stuff to gorge your hard drive on.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil Track 1 – Forced Entry

If you click over to the Merch page, you will find the first track from the Days From Evil album, “Forced Entry” is available for download.

For Free. Gratis. Kostenlos.

Of course, don’t let that stop you from giving us money, whether by using the donate buttons inconveniently located at the bottom of the page (consider it a virtual tip jar, if you will) or by simply e-mailing us your credit card number and pin, or your coworkers credit card number and pin for that matter.

A better idea is to visit this page to discover the myriad of other ways you can support independent bands like Jagged Spiral. You shouldn’t be surprised to discover that a lot of them don’t cost you anything at all.

One of the ways you can help us out is by spreading the word. Tell people to download the latest track and give it a listen. If it doesn’t click with you, no worries, we won’t be offended, but come back next week for the next track; Days From Evil is pretty diverse, and you might be pleasantly surprised.

For the next nine weeks, we will be posting all nine tracks from Days From Evil. It’s a concept album, so I suggest you listen to the songs in order to get the full effect…

really loud…

with headphones…

in the dark…

completely naked.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Nine Weeks From Evil

We are still working on artwork for Days From Evil but we have a ways to go.

Actually, that’s a lie. If we were working on it, it would be done by now. Truth is that we aren’t working on it at all. Which means there simply is no way the album can be released by Oct 31 as we had hoped.

Instead, what we will be doing is releasing the album online one track at a time. Nine tracks total, one track per week (give or take) throughout the remainder of 2007.

Nine tracks. One per week. Nine weeks of evil.

The first track “Forced Entry” will be available on Halloween, and you can check the countdown timer on the right hand side of our homepage to see how much longer you have to wait. Links to the free track downloads will be through our merch page.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Months from Evil

Alas, a couple minor glitches are keeping the Version 1 master of “Days From Evil” being declaired as Finished. Surprisingly, the issues don’t have to do with the sound, they have to do with the track markers; where each track starts. The track markers for Monsters and The Last Song had to be nudged around a bit.

The version 2 master was completed on Friday the Thirteenth, 2007. We are giving the version 2 master a thorough listen, and have even uploaded some of the songs to myspace (

Once the “Days From Evil” master meets our exacting standards, we will stamp it with the Jagged Spiral Seal Of Approval…um, that is, after we design the Seal, and once the Seal meets our exacting standards…

We still have to design the cover art / liner notes, as well as select the official Jagged Spiral Band Logo.

Work, work, work. Oh well, even though the pay sucks, we don’t complain too much, since we can all drink on the job and the dress code is pretty lax…

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil – Mastered?

I feel the need to dispel some rumors about Jagged Spiral, and the lack of blog postings in recent weeks.

  1. I (Zero) have Not been abducted, drafted, or admitted/committed to any institutions for rehabilitation. Any recent visits to foreign countries were completely voluntary.
  2. Josh has not jumped on the Rehabilitation bandwagon, nor checked himself into Hazelton, nor shaved his head, although I can neither confirm nor deny rumors that he shaved his armpits.
  3. Colin has not left the band to start a secret, underground society which plans to overthrow all other secret, underground societies.

No, No, and No to these and many other silly rumors, I assure you that Jagged Spiral is not only alive and kicking, but feeding the musical fuel tank with beer and burritos and generating on average two new songs per month. If we ever finished the songs, that would be noteworthy.

Also, the album Days From Evil has come out of mastering and we have given it several listens in different venues, including in the car, in the studio, in the living room, in the bathroom, in the bedroom, and that one time we tapped into the PA system at Southdale Mall, which caused lots of fighting, riots and oddly enough; breakdancing. All in all, we are happy with the results and should have the album declared as “Finished” any day now.

We have also narrowed down options for a band Logo, and sketched some ideas for cover art.

Stay tuned…

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil Premaster is COMPLETE!

The Premaster for “Days From Evil” is complete.

Let me repeat that, because it is significant. (And slightly louder, for the reading impaired)


I felt more emotional about a month ago, when we *thought* we were almost done. Over and over. There must be a dozen CDs laying around here that say ‘Premaster?’ on them. The differences between them are not obvious. Nit-picky, you might say.

But if there is one thing I’ve discovered in the past (nearly) two years while working on Days From Evil, it’s that the project is never Done until you proclaim it to be Done. It could always be edited more. It could always be re-recorded and tweaked and adjusted a little more. And it might even be improved. And it might not. At some point in the process, you gotta realize that no one else can even hear the ‘improvements’ you are making, and you are wasting your time re-re-recording tracks that were fine on the first take. At some point, you have to decide that you have done your very best, and sometimes the best you can do is get rid of everything you simply cannot live with.

At some point, you gotta take your hands off the wheel.

So the performances for Days From Evil are hereby proclaimed to be finished. And the mixing. And the effecting. And the arranging. We now move into the uncharted backwaters of Black-Magic-Mastering. The rule in recording your own music is: You don’t do the mastering on your own recordings. We have to turn our work over to someone else, someone who has not had two years of constant contact with the music. Someone to listen to our mixes with a fresh ear and an accurate sound system. Someone to tweak, polish, buff, shine, high-gloss, fold, spindle, mutilate and polymorph our songs into something better, and turn a collection of 9 songs into an album.

I warned you. The end is near.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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When is The Last Song NOT The Last Song?

When Jagged Spiral writes it, that’s when.

It’s un-ironic that The Last Song is not, in fact, the last song we will be working on for Days From Evil. The Last Song is finished, as in “mixed to Cigar version” although Josh said it was more like a Cigarillo. Regardless, that’s eight down, and one to go. The song Run will actually be the last song, which should be finished next Saturday.

I can’t tell you how exciting it is to be so close to completion. I mean, we are discussing things like liner notes and where to get the CD’s duplicated. How many do we order? What should we wear when we take the stage at the Minnesota Music Awards ceremony? What about a CD Release party?

CD Release party? Come again? Yikes, you mean we will have to learn all those songs? Songs we have NEVER played together live before?

Oh boy.

Maybe we can just have a real Listen-type listening party, and Jagged Spiral can sit in the audience and listen to the album in its entirity. Or hide backstage like Metallica did with The Black Album. Pussies.

Whatever. The cigar mixes for all songs should be done on Saturday, and then we go into mastering.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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