Vote For Jagged Spiral at

A Vote for Jagged Spiral is a vote for an Alpine Stereo System for Colin’s Truck! Honestly, the man has a portable CD player connected via a cassette-tape-adapter-thingy! What’s that? You haven’t heard of cassette tape? Let’s just say, he could use a new EX-10 car music system from Alpine.

Fortunately, Alpine has agreed to give Colin a brand-spanking-new EX-10! FOR FREE! Well, not exactly free, he just needs you to click on this link:

The link will take you to Alpine’s website showcasing their new gear, then cast your vote for either of your favorite Jagged Spiral songs: “Let It Out” or “Not Enough Bullets”. Hey, vote for both! Come back and vote every day until the end of May! If Jagged Spiral is in the top 5, BAM! Colin has a new car stereo, and our weekly trips to Chipole can be uninterrupted by CD disk changes!

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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The People Have Voted. The Battle of the Bands Winner Is…

Not Jagged Spiral.

The win was handed to a band called Ill-Gotten

I can’t say I’m surprised or disappointed. Although I don’t care for Ill-Gotten’s genre of Hardcore music, they were as professional, tight, talented and energetic as any other band at the event…

…but they did have more fans.

Nothing against the production company, but when all other factors are balanced out, the Battle of the Bands turns from a Talent Contest into a Popularity Contest, and that’s something Jagged Spiral simply can’t win. At least, not at this early stage of our musical career. Let’s be honest, the people who came to see us play were friends and family, not fans.

Looking on the bright side, we got one more live show notch in our bullet-belt, and we got to play out to a crowded house of people on a weekend, and Colin was in bed by a reasonable hour. Jam Solid Productions has us on their list to contact for future promotions. We got some video that we can review and use to critique our live performance. (Unfortunately, nothing useful enough to post to the web due to technical difficulties…) We also met up with a local band called S.B.I. who enjoyed hearing us and they seem like a good group for us to gig with in the near future.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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The Gospel According To Jagged Spiral: (7:1-20) The Death of Emo

And lo, God looked out upon the Earth, and saw the multitudes listening to wretched music.

“What the hell is this?” The Lord yelled in a voice loud enough to…well, to shake the heavens. “What is this abomination?”

“It is called Dashboard Confessional, Oh Most Merciful and Joyous Lord.”

“I find it difficult to be Joyous,” the Lord snapped, “listening to that pitiful wailing! Pete, pull up skype and get me Lucifer on the webcam. Now!”

“At once, my Lord,” St Peter murmured.

And lo, the face of That Accursed Fiend; Lucifer, appeared on the computer screen. Her eyes flashed a caustic black, her red lips pulled back in a sharp sneer.

“What do you want now?” she growled.

“What in Hades is going on?” The Lord winced. “What is this sound I hear rising up from the world? Music, if it can be called such, which makes even the tortured souls of the damned sound pleasant in comparison? What have you done to Chris Carrabba? What have you done to Spider-Man 3?”

“You old Wanker!” Lucifer interrupted. “It’s called EMO, and it’s a device of mankind’s own free will, and none of my doing!”

“Ha, as if I would believe the Princess of Lies! Only someone as sick and evil as yourself could come up with such an atrocity to music, that it makes those who listen to it cry and cut themselves…”

“Alright,” Lucifer snapped, “that’s it! You just called me on the Wrong day. I have a hangover like you wouldn’t believe, and I’ve been on the rag for three fucking days, and now you call to bitch about a musical genre that’s been old news for months, and you wanna blame that pansy-rock on me? You want a musical atrocity? You got it. I’ve got something I’ve been waiting to release; a weapon that’s going to decimate Emo, Alternative AND Indie Rock! By the time I’m done, you’ll be begging me to play you some Fall Out Boy!”

“You wouldn’t *dare* bring back Black Sabbath!” the Lord turned a shade pale.

“Worse.” Lucifer smiled sweetly.

The Lord’s mind reeled at the possibilities.

“Blow me,” he said. “Thou art bluffing.”

“Swear to God,” the Old She-Satan spat, and hung up on the No-Longer-Joyous Lord.

Lucifer spun, and stormed off, her heels clicking echoes down the dreary black marble halls. A robe of smoke fluttered around her.

“Who does he think he is?” she said to herself as she picked up her i-phone and dialed a number from memory.

“Sugar here,” a voice answered through a haze of bad cellular reception.

“Sugar, dahling,” Lucifer drawled. Her face lit up with a pleasant smile. “I have some openings for Jagged Spiral to play, do you think they might be interested dear?”

[…to be continued.]

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Being in a band is, in a lot of ways, like being in your stereotypical romantic relationship. Not exactly, mind you, but there are plenty of parallels you can draw between them. For instance, there is the initial stage of flirting/courtship, and the period of ‘going steady’. There is the period of going through what likes/dislikes you have in common.

And one day there is a turning point in the relationship where you do something together that changes everything. You know of what I speak.

For a band, one of those turning points would be playing a live show at a public venue. Buried in your practice space, safe from the world, you can make all the shit-rock you want, but the minute you expose yourselves to public scrutiny, the possibility is opened that people you don’t know and who have no vested interest in your happiness can critique your work, or your performance, or both, and they have no reason to be dishonest with you.

And so it comes to pass that Jagged Spiral has taken the next step on the path, and played together live on stage, opening up their work for criticism. After the show at Staisu’s, I chatted with a handful of people, trying to get a feel for how the show went, and trying to read through the platitudes and compliments. Not that I wasn’t thankful for the praise, but I wanted someone to tell me we sucked, or at least tell me we did something wrong, something we could correct to make our future shows better. That information came, but not until the remaining handful of us were kicked out at 2AM.

I trudged out to the parking lot steeping in about 16 be-fucking-low zero, although it seemed a lot colder because I was soaked in sweat, blood and beer.

“You guys were great!”

I recognized him right away. It was the guy who went up to Colin during our set and gave him some kind of advice. Later Colin told me the guy said Colin should turn down the low end on his guitar. I think the real problem was that I didn’t have my bass amp up loud enough, but either way, the guy was drunk, and for sound problems, you complain to the guy at the sound board, not the band.

“You think so?” I responded.

“Feh,” he slurred, “Who are you fucking kidding? You guys blew those other bands away! You’re gonna be famous!”

I laughed.

“But you should stop whispering,” he said, shaking his head. “Between the songs when you were talking to the audience. It don’t matter if there’s only a couple people here, you gotta talk to them like there’s ten thousand!”

I stopped laughing. “Really?”

“Hell yeah, cus’ that’s what you’re gonna have. Ten thousand people, and you’re gonna have to speak up. You can’t whisper like that.”

“Hey, thanks for the advice.”

And so, some useful advice, and enough money to buy each band member an imported beer at the next practice, and Jagged Spiral walks away from Stasiu’s paid, sweaty, and deflowered, but still wanting more…

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil Free Music Download – Track 6 – Lament (part ii)

As forewarned, the latest free single from “Days From Evil” is now available. Click over to the music page to hear ‘Lament (Part ii)’.

Yet another mood swing on the Jagged Spiral Playground, this song was written as an ode to Saveau, a friend of the band, and contains vocals from our very own Hometown Heroine, the Uncanny Cassie Banning!

Listen up and stop back for the next three songs, available over the next three weeks of December!

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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