Nine Weeks From Evil

We are still working on artwork for Days From Evil but we have a ways to go.

Actually, that’s a lie. If we were working on it, it would be done by now. Truth is that we aren’t working on it at all. Which means there simply is no way the album can be released by Oct 31 as we had hoped.

Instead, what we will be doing is releasing the album online one track at a time. Nine tracks total, one track per week (give or take) throughout the remainder of 2007.

Nine tracks. One per week. Nine weeks of evil.

The first track “Forced Entry” will be available on Halloween, and you can check the countdown timer on the right hand side of our homepage to see how much longer you have to wait. Links to the free track downloads will be through our merch page.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Jagged Spiral Website Update V2.1

Well, I’ve made some changes to the image rotator on the band page. If you have any problems with the pictures not working or displaying properly, give a holler to jagged spiral at gmail dot com.

You should now see the menubar, which will let you scroll back and forth through the pix. Also, the pictures will now be auto-resized to fit the player. Clicking on the picture will open the picture up in its native size for downloading.

I’ve reduced the size and quality of uploaded images to make the player more responsive for slow connections (Does anyone still have dialup?) and I added some other pictures to the image rotator that you might find scattered throughout the other pages of the website. Keep checking back and I’ll sneak some other pix onto the list, and we’ll see if Josh or Colin notice. Then we can have a bidding war to see if fans will pay more than Josh or Colin to keep the pictures posted, and I’ll put the money towards a new bass amp.

The band has talked about another photo shoot, (partially for website content, but mostly because it’s fun and makes us feel like Rock Schtaahs) but first we need to get artwork for Days From Evil finished.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil

Now that the album is nearing its entree into the world of the listening public, what does it sound like? Interested parties might check out and give a listen. Send us your feedback. We’d love to hear what you think, not just whether you loved it or hated it, but why. What does it remind you of? Is it hopeless derivative, or a classic sound approached from a different mindset (which is what we like to think!)?

How would Jagged Spiral best describe its sound? Tongue firmly in cheek, we often refer to it as “sloppy metal” or “Northern Rock.” It’s not a raging inferno, but it’s not Nickelback. It’s…Jagged.

Our new material displays its roots in a less abstract fashion, so all of this might make more sense after hearing “Lamented.”

Josh 2.0 is live!

Thanks to Conrad’s tireless work (the guy even worked through lunch breaks…) the new site is up and running. We’ve changed the logo and color scheme – the overall look, really – and it looks polished, pro and rock n roll.

You’ll notice in the corner a countdown to the release of the first track, “Forced Entry.” Yes, even though we planned on releasing the album *last* halloween, we’ve decided to stretch out the release even *further*…one track at a time. 😉

It’ll be worth the wait. We promise. =)


Metallica Again

I liked Conrad's post below, and he's absolutely right: replacing Metallica with some guys who win a reality TV contest and take on the mantle would at this point make absolutely no difference. Hell, if you wanted to listen to new Metallica tunes that don't suck pick up a Trivium album!

Every band wants to “get back to their roots.” And they mean it, they do. They're being perfectly honest. The problem is it's *impossible*for metal bands to return to their roots. They've moved on to a new place in their lives, and so have their fans. They're not scruffy, angry middle-class kids anymore; they're depressed, well-dressed middle-class parents and office workers, trying to figure out what the fuck it all means.

The power of bands like Metallica is irrevocably linked to adolescence and testosterone. It's nigh on impossible to recapture that youthful dream we had when we first heard “…And Justice For All.” The best we can hope for is some songs that aren't godawful, but I suspect that most people just don't give a shit anymore. If I wanna listen to Metallica I'll fire up “Ride the Lightning” or “Master of Puppets” and, just for a fleeting second, feel 15 again. And that's enough. Because pretty soon the real world is going to intrude, and I'll go back to listening to music that means something to me *right now*, at this point in my life.

Just for perspective, there's still a big need for heavy music, it's just that now it's being filled by Hatebreed and Slipknot. They're are this generation's Slayer and Metallica, respectively. And there's still a genuine underground too, in which I still maintain a not insignificant interest.


Metallica, Take 9

An absolute MUST READ for Metallica fans, concerning their upcoming ninth album.

As far as I’m concerned, Metallica died in a plane crash during the Black Album Tour, but no one told the band. People WANT Metallica to be good, but come on, “Give me Fuel, Give me Fire, Give me THAT WHICH I DESIRE?” WTF? And for the Love of Dog, could someone take that fucking Wah-Wah pedal away from Kirk Hammett?

They can talk all they want about ‘going back to their roots’ and they can fire and hire whomever they want. Hell, fire the entire fucking band, and replace them with teens picked out on a reality TV show.

IF they release good music, THEN I might buy it. This seems to have escaped the band currently calling themselves Metallica.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Cold Activated

Last night’s Jagged Spiral practice was brought to you by Coors Light, and their new “Cold Activated” Bottles. Little did we realize what this meant when we downed the twelve pack between the three of us. After a little investigation, I discovered a difference between a cold beer from the fridge and an empty bottle.

Note the color of the mountains in the label. The cold one has Blue mountains, and the warm one has White mountains! It’s magic! How do the mountains *know*??? We decided that we would track down the head wizard at Coors Brewery, and have them use the same kind of magic on Jagged Spiral’s music instruments, so that when they are played out of time with each other, they will turn blue, so that even if we suck, we will still look cool…

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Lyrics for Ragnarök and the True Identity of the Antichrist

So I’m working on some lyrics for a song of a most peculiar nature, and I was wandering the wasteland of the internet looking for lyrics to end the world by. I was astounded to find out the TRUE IDENTITY OF THE ANTICHRIST!

No, Really! I really saw it! See, *that* is why I love the internet! It has Everything! The antichrist is so Totally Busted Out! HA! Yes, my friends, now I will share with you the name of the false shepard, the son of perdition, the agent of the world’s destruction:

Prince Charles of Wales is the Antichrist

I know, I was just as surprised as you are! I mean, he really doesn’t look that tough, I’m sure I could take him in a fair fight, but that’s the thing about those Antichristses, they aren’t likely to fight fair.

Like I said, I was kinda skeptical, but the proof includes the ‘fact’ that you can use some complicated mathematics to add up his name to get the number “666”. The math was a little awkward for me, so I simplified it here for you.

  1. Let any name that is “Prince Charles of Wales” equal the number 665.
  2. Add one, because, um, because there’s only one “Prince Charles of Wales.”

And WHAM-O!!! Now tell me that ol’ Chuck don’t have some SERIOUS explaining to do!

Never did find any good lyrical material though, but I’m sure there are plenty of words that rhyme with “Chuck”…

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Sunny Day Real Estate

I think, had I never had the pleasure of hearing them before I knew anything about them, I might not like Sunny Day Real Estate. For instance, there’s this, from their Myspace page: “Around this time, they decided to maintain secrecy about themselves and their music, releasing only one photograph to the public and conducting only one interview; they also never played as a full band in the state of California.” Factor in the numerous, slightly pretentious name changes (‘Thief Steal Me A Peach’?!) and you have all the makings of emo silliness. And we all know how I and the band feel about emo.

Alas, this never happened…and much to my benefit. You see, Sunny Day Real Estate is amazing. Fantastic, even. You see, call it what you want, SDRE played some of the most innovative music ever created. Most called it “emo”, and the members all have punk/hardcore pedigrees, but it is as far removed from today’s faux-angsty, whiny suburban pseudo-punk/metal as Godsmack is from Kreator. It’s just not the same, and it deserves to be judged on its own merits.

I’ll grant that some of the “Diary” material is a stretch for metallized ears, even my own. In the same way, some of “The Rising Tide” is a stretch for ears raised on a diet of sanctimonious punk and hardcore. Fine.

It’s just that, well, it’s so…different. Jeremy Enigk can *sing* man, and it’s one of those times when all these disparate elements come together to make music that is neither punk nor metal nor pop, but manages to be all of them at once. In a certain sense, they remind me of Type O Negative. The hooks are huge, but aren’t apparent right away, like “You give love a band name” or something would be.

You know? Fuck, I don’t! =)
