Days From Sushi

On Saturday, the Spiral paid respects to the man who mastered Days From Evil, Reid Rejsa. He put the final coat of polish on the album for us. In return, we treated him to dinner at Sushi Tango in Uptown.

Our server, Janelle, was the most informative sushi waitress one could ask for. Short of busting out a PowerPoint presentation on Sushi, she was able to help us wade through the menu, so to speak, and make some informative and tasty decisions.

I like sushi, but don’t eat it often enough to know more than the difference between the dragon roll and a caterpillar roll. We ordered a smattering of everything, including a small whitefish, head and all, stuffed with rice and..well, himself. Once Vlad was et (we called him Vlad because he had a skewer though him, so obviously he was Vlad The Impaled) anyway, once he was emptied, the remains were taken by Janelle back to the chef, to be tossed into the deep fryer and then we had Vlad Round 2 (or Vlad The Deep-Fried). The eyes were said to be good luck, and Reid was given first pick, and he bravely chose the right eye, which he said had the consistency of a gummi-bear. Colin and Xtina had a Rock-Paper-Scissors contest for the other eye. Colin won…er, lost; depending on how you look at it. Either way, Colin ate the other eye.

All in all a great time, and it was good to sit back and celebrate two years of work we’ve put into Days From Evil by putting an evening’s worth of wine and sushi in our bellies.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Album 2 and The Birth of “Northern Rock”

So while The Spiral winds down from their exciting first public performance, and gathers forces to begin the takeover of Minneapolis (and the World eventually, natch) there’s no lack of things to do; website updates and hashing out content ideas, video editing (Shh! Its a secret!), Days From Evil art concepts, credits, thanks, and thinking up ways to pay back all the good and nice people who helped us make a good and evil recording.

Although nine tracks from Days From Evil are now permanently etched in digital bits, don’t you dare think we’re out of ammunition. Not even close. In fact, we have enough raw material to make a second album! I actually have a CD pressed with all the rough track outlines, labeled mysteriously “V2”.

Lyrics and structure are locked down for three of the songs (Lament Part One, Push Me, and God Hates Emo, all of which debuted at the Halloween Party on Oct 27th, 2007) and rough lyrics are done for three others: Dragonslayer, Bad Kitty, and Horrorcloud. A handful of other tracks are just outlines now: Loon, Reign and Swap Meat. [Note: If you have a problem with the song names, talk to Colin – Z] but as we are working to put together a full set, I have no doubt these songs will pull together over the next couple months.

So how does the new stuff sound? Well, I’ll put it this way, the e-mails have been flying between band members about how to describe us, and what Genres we can actually fit into.

Looking at the list of bands we think we sound like (Black Sabbath, Tool, In Flames, Machine Head…) parks us pretty far into Heavy Metal territory, although I’ve never thought of us as a Metal band. Actually, I’ve never thought of Jagged Spiral as anything but “Jagged Spiral”. I don’t think bands should let genres push them around too much, but you do have to pitch your band, and here’s how you do it:

“Hey, listen to our band, [Band Name] we are a [Genre] band from [City] and we have one [instrument 1] and a [instrument 2] and a [instrument 3]”

Obviously, genre is a big part of any band’s identity, so it’s been interesting to look back at what we’ve done in such a short time and try to define it. After all the investigation, I’ve decided that Jagged Spiral exists on a plane between “Heavy Metal” and “Hard Rock”. Since we don’t fit neatly into either one, we made up our own genre: “Northern Rock”. So when people ask us what genre we are, we will say Northern Rock, which answers very little. Intuitive folks might pick up on the fact that we are Loud and Cold. If they press further, or require us to pick from the existing genres, we will say Heavy Metal, but you should really listen and decide for yourself.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil Free Music Download – Track 2 – Monsters

The song Monsters has now been uploaded for your listening pleasure. It is the second song from the Days From Evil album. Click over to the music page to pick it up, the song is completely free to download.

Last week, we debuted the first song off Days From Evil, Forced Entry. The next song Hallowed Ground will be available next week. Check the side of this page for the countdown timer to the release date. At you can find all the countdown timers for all the Days From Evil songs. Its easy to copy the code and add them to your own websites/blogs/myspace/facebook pages…

And there’s more goodies to come. Keep checking back as we release a new track from Days From Evil every Wednesday at midnight for the remaining weeks of 2007. There will also be some desktop wallpapers, videos, more pix of the band, and plenty of free stuff to gorge your hard drive on.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Seether’s “Fake It” vs Jagged Spiral’s “Push Me”

Local Radio Station 93X almost continually plays the new Seether song, “Fake It”. I like the song, but I got news for you-all: The song “Push Me” by Jagged Spiral will bitch-slap “Fake It” right back into the studio…

…when it’s released, that is.

So enjoy your airplay while you can Seether, until Jagged Spiral pulls the ratings chart out from under you. Don’t worry though, we’ll let you open for us…

…when we play out, that is.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Days From Evil Track 1 – Forced Entry

If you click over to the Merch page, you will find the first track from the Days From Evil album, “Forced Entry” is available for download.

For Free. Gratis. Kostenlos.

Of course, don’t let that stop you from giving us money, whether by using the donate buttons inconveniently located at the bottom of the page (consider it a virtual tip jar, if you will) or by simply e-mailing us your credit card number and pin, or your coworkers credit card number and pin for that matter.

A better idea is to visit this page to discover the myriad of other ways you can support independent bands like Jagged Spiral. You shouldn’t be surprised to discover that a lot of them don’t cost you anything at all.

One of the ways you can help us out is by spreading the word. Tell people to download the latest track and give it a listen. If it doesn’t click with you, no worries, we won’t be offended, but come back next week for the next track; Days From Evil is pretty diverse, and you might be pleasantly surprised.

For the next nine weeks, we will be posting all nine tracks from Days From Evil. It’s a concept album, so I suggest you listen to the songs in order to get the full effect…

really loud…

with headphones…

in the dark…

completely naked.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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What is Emo, and Why does God Hate it?

There was no small amount of confusion last weekend when Jagged Spiral debuted it’s first Mega-Single, “God Hates Emo”. Many people were confused. They didn’t understand what Emo was, or why God hated it enough to phone Jagged Spiral and tell them to relay her message to the world. Hopefully, this video will help you understand Emo better:

What Is Emo?

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Jagged Spiral’s First Concert!

Wow. Who knew three people could make so much noise? Well, a small group of people found out firsthand on Saturday during a Halloween Costume Party where Jagged Spiral made their first public appearance.

It was fun.

It was loud.

It was fast.

No, it was Really Loud and Fast.

I think the performance was as good as one of our best practices, which is to say that it was pretty damn good. There were mistakes, but we never stopped. A couple fumbles, but we quickly recovered. No technical glitches. We forgot to turn on the strobe light, but I think our music gave people siezures without any help.

The best feedback was from Saveau who said Jagged Spiral sounded like a child of Pantera and The Dead Kennedys. And my mom e-mailed me today to tell me that she still cannot hear anything. Xtina said that of all the songs to stick in her head, “God Hates Emo” topped them all.

My stomach still hurts, but my voice is coming back. Never did find my tonsils.

Pix to come….

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Nine Weeks From Evil

We are still working on artwork for Days From Evil but we have a ways to go.

Actually, that’s a lie. If we were working on it, it would be done by now. Truth is that we aren’t working on it at all. Which means there simply is no way the album can be released by Oct 31 as we had hoped.

Instead, what we will be doing is releasing the album online one track at a time. Nine tracks total, one track per week (give or take) throughout the remainder of 2007.

Nine tracks. One per week. Nine weeks of evil.

The first track “Forced Entry” will be available on Halloween, and you can check the countdown timer on the right hand side of our homepage to see how much longer you have to wait. Links to the free track downloads will be through our merch page.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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Jagged Spiral Website Update V2.1

Well, I’ve made some changes to the image rotator on the band page. If you have any problems with the pictures not working or displaying properly, give a holler to jagged spiral at gmail dot com.

You should now see the menubar, which will let you scroll back and forth through the pix. Also, the pictures will now be auto-resized to fit the player. Clicking on the picture will open the picture up in its native size for downloading.

I’ve reduced the size and quality of uploaded images to make the player more responsive for slow connections (Does anyone still have dialup?) and I added some other pictures to the image rotator that you might find scattered throughout the other pages of the website. Keep checking back and I’ll sneak some other pix onto the list, and we’ll see if Josh or Colin notice. Then we can have a bidding war to see if fans will pay more than Josh or Colin to keep the pictures posted, and I’ll put the money towards a new bass amp.

The band has talked about another photo shoot, (partially for website content, but mostly because it’s fun and makes us feel like Rock Schtaahs) but first we need to get artwork for Days From Evil finished.

Conrad Zero LogoYours Darkly,

Conrad Zero

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