First, a big Thanks to everyone who made it to the Terminal Bar last Saturday for a stellar performance all around.
The Terminal of course did a great job, although they could not have forseen that with S.B.I. involved and the fact that our show was sponsored by Jagermeister, their supplies of that particular resource would be quickly depleted.
Thanks to Yusef, our good friend and guitarist for the massive band Nothing Gained. Thanks much for flying over from England just for this event, and kicking axe on some great guitar. Thanks also to S.B.I. for lending us their lead singer for a song. Borrowing members from other bands is kind of like letting someone borrow your wife or girlfriend (or both,) except everyone’s watching which makes it even more awkward. But the show was, as they say, a smashing success.
Which is why we’ve been invited back to do it again!
Thursday 24 Sept 2009, Jagged Spiral takes the stage once more at The Terminal Bar in Minneapolis, MN. No additional band members this time (unless someone can play the bassline to Horrorcloud…) just pure, undiluted 3-piece Jagged Spiral.
Noise starts up at 9PM and Jagged Spiral plays first. Check the terminal bar’s website for other bands. I think there’s a cover, but even if there isn’t you really should slip your favorite band a fiver, or a Jag Bomb, or an I-Phone, or something.
Yours Darkly,